How You Can Help

Make a Donation

Sponsor a Beagle

Become a Foster

Become a Volunteer

Grocery Store Share Program

Amazon Wish List

HBHR Store

Buy or Donate a Bed

Purchase from

Purchase a Doggie Door from

Make A Donation
  • Via Paypal (click here)
  • Via Check/Money Order: Send a check/money order made out to Houston Beagle & Hound Rescue, Inc. addressed to:
    Houston Beagle & Hound Rescue (HBHR)
    118 Capri Street
    Sugarland, TX  77478
Sponsor a Beagle
  • $10 will pay for one day of boarding (the average time-frame for boarding while awaiting a foster home is 5 to 14 days.
  • $15 will pay for a new leash, collar and rescue ID tag.
  • $30 will pay for a microchip or for a 6-month supply of heartworm preventative.
  • $50 will pay for an exam & vaccinations
  • $60 – $80 will pay for a spay or neuter
  • $150 will pay for all of the above, plus one dose of Heartgard & Advantage
  • $250 will pay for one heartworm treatment.
  • If you’d like to set up a reoccuring donation to help the beagles, please visit our homepage and check out the “Help the Dogs” section on the top right of the page.
  • We are registered in the state of Texas as a non-profit corporation and we have been granted tax-exempt 501-c-3 status by the IRS. Our federal EIN number is 75-3113421

Become A Foster
Enjoy the warm-fuzzy feeling of accomplishment and love you get from saving the lives of innocent Beagles & Hounds.

Become A Volunteer
Do you have a hobby or have some free time during the day? We probably have a job you can assist with! Check out our Volunteer Opportunities page for more information.

Shop at Kroger or Randalls
Kroger and Randall’s grocery stores have “share” programs where you can designate HBHR as a charity to receive funds, just for shopping at the store!

To help HBHR via the Kroger program, visit the Kroger Community Rewards site, scroll down to “Texas” and click the “Enroll Now” button. Once you are signed up you will see a “Community Rewards” section where you can enter/search for your charity. If Houston Beagle Rescue doesn’t come up, make sure that “Animals” is selected in the “View by Type” drop down box on the right. HBHR’s member number is: BA708 . Last year Kroger card donations earned HBHR approximately $800! Thanks to everyone who used the cards to help us raise this well-needed funding!

Randall’s requires the shopper to fill out an application with the number of the preferred charity to be linked to your Randall’s Remarkable Card. Click here to download an application or stop by their courtesy booth to fill out the application. Our Randalls share number is 11381

Amazon Wish List Donation

We can always use the items below:

  • Dog Toys
  • Crates (Medium, Large & Extra Large)
  • Crate Pads
  • Dog Beds
  • Leashes
  • Collars
  • Heartgard
  • Frontline or Advantage
  • Items for garage sales or auctions.

Purchase an Item from Our Store

We can always use the items below:

Support Rescue by purchasing a t-shirt, bag, lunchbox, calendar, pillow, hat, sticker, etc. Click to visit our Store on

Buy or Donate a Kuranda Dog Bed

Kuranda dog beds are durable, easy to clean, chew proof and provide support for older dog’s back and joints. If you are intrested in purchasing a Kuranda dog bed, use this link which will allow HBHR a portion of the proceeds. If you don’t need a bed for your dogs, but would instead like to donate a bed to us for our dogs who are waiting for a foster home, click here.

Purchase an item from

Through, you can shop at your favorite online stores, such as Land’s End, the Gap, Barnes & Noble, etc. With each purchase, iGive will donate money to HBHR! Click to find out more!

Need a Doggie Door?

Purchase a pet door from Hale Pet Door company, mention HBHR as your preferred rescue and you will receive a 10% discount, and we will receive a donation equal to 10% of your purchase price! Everyone wins! Click here to visit Hale Pet Door.