Spotlight on Our Beagle Angels!
Sometimes our Beagle Angels are the public servants who are working with very limited resources, but still want to save as many animals as they can. Amber Ayres is a Code Enforcement in Training/Animal Control Officer in the small town of Anahuac, Texas about 50...
3rd Quarter Newsletter
Check out our latest newsletter! HBHR Newsletter Vol. 24 No. 3
It’s Calendar Time!
It's beagle calendar time once again! We are working on at least two calendars for that is exclusively for Beagles and another that is Beagles and Buddies which can include humans and/or other pets as well. If you would like to sponsor a photo page in a...
Wish List
Check out our Wish List on Amazon to see the items we can always use. Another way you can help the beagles is to choose Houston Beagle Rescue as your Amazon charity. A portion of the proceeds of your orders will go to the charity of your choice!
Memorial Walkway
Houston Beagle Rescue is building a Memorial Walkway at The Beagle Bungalow. We currently have about 40 Memorial Bricks and hope to add more bricks on a quarterly basis for a suggested donation of $100.00 for each brick ordered. If you would like to honor a beagle...