We wanted to give you an update on Rusty, who was adopted on January 1, 2011. We can’t believe a year has gone by already. He has had a fun year with us: He got to ride in an airplane, play in the snow, made many dog friends at the dog park, wear a clown costume for Halloween, sleep lots of hours in a queen size bed, and got lots of love from us 🙂
Rusty has adjusted perfectly into our family. Rusty and our dachshund Riley are best buds. They love to sleep and play together! Rusty is the best addition to our family! When we adopted him he was diagnosed with heartworms and has been on heartworm preventatives. He went for his annual check up a few weeks ago and tested negative on his heartworm test! We are so happy the results came back negative 🙂 Everyone in the vets office was also excited with us. Everyone that meets Rusty falls in love with his sweet personality. We have family members who want to adopt through your organization in the next year 🙂 Thanks again for all you do for the beagles!
~Amanda & David