Jennie (formerly Chloe)
I adopted Jennie in December, 2010. From the start, she seemed content in her new home and rarely stopped wagging her tail. She enjoyed having the run of the house all day while I was at work, but also having a doggie door to the back yard to sunbathe or keep the squirrels in order. Jennie had a few months of being the only beagle in the house and she got used to receiving all the attention and belly rubs from me. On the other hand, I sensed that she would welcome some beagle companionship, especially during the workday when she was home alone all day, so in February 2011 I also adopted Lillie (Celine) from HBHR.
In my neighborhood my home is now known as the “beagle house”. Thank you, HBHR, for sending Jennie and Lillie my way!
– Wayne