Ginger Rae
We are in love with Ginger Rae! She is THE sweetest little girl and just seems to love it here. I think she came from a family and simply got lost, because she has wonderful manners and minds pretty well for a beagle. She is something else. We are really lucky.

I’m sure she misses her little beagle friends in the foster home, but she is making new friends in the neighborhood and on our walks. She’s very friendly, and we are very proud of that fact. (Our first dog, Triscuit, wasn’t friendly to other dogs, though we still loved her.) Ginger’s body language is so fun to watch, and her expressions! We all just lay and watch her and study her when she’s curled up or when she’s prancing around sniffing the air. She has taken to soaking up a little sun by the pool on occasion. It’s just a joy to watch her adapt to our home and schedule.

She’s doing great!