Hi, my name is Haley. I was running alongside a road one day when a nice lady stopped and picked me up. Boy was I lucky she did because I was tired, scared and had heartworms that needed to be treated! She brought me to HBHR and I stayed in my foster home for a few months while I gained some confidence and got better and then I was off for a long car ride (which I LOVE, by the way) to meet my new family. The people all seemed kind of worried because I am afraid of some men, but as soon as I walked in the house, I went right past the woman there, and went straight to the nice man and wanted him to pet me. The couple knew right away that I would be okay with them.
My next challenge was meeting Gracie, the beagle that the couple already owned. She looked at me funny at first, she thought I was a beagle on growth hormones, but once Gracie figured out that she could walk underneath me, she thought I was okay. I immediately followed Gracie out the doggie door (even though I had never used one), and I even chased her around the backyard for a while. The couple knew I could be happy there, so they decided they would keep me. I was so happy to hear that; I really started to make myself home. The day after I moved in, I decided to really be myself, and started stealing my sister’s toys, my parent’s socks, and I even started barking at strangers to protect the house. My parents just laughed at me and told me I was funny, which just made me even happier.
Well, it has been almost a year since I came here, but I know now that I have found my forever home. I fit in great with my family, and my beagle sister (who had always been an only dog), has figured out that she will be just as spoiled with me around; so she and I play together more and more each day. My favorite pastimes are eating and sleeping, which my parents tell me I get from all the beagles I have been around.
While Mom and Dad were on vacation, my Gammey stayed with me and I found that I love to watch the Animal Planet. Now of course I watch it all the time, and that helps me calm down if I am upset. I absolutely LOVE going for walks, and when I do, I like to let the whole neighborhood know it by howling for about a half a mile. My Mom says the walks are a lot faster when I’m on them too because Gracie likes to take her time and sniff everything and I like to hurry up and see what’s next. In our spare time, my Mom and Dad have been teaching me some of Gracies “trademark tricks”…like high five, etc. and even some tricks of my own like folding/praying hands. All in all, I think I’m happier and more at ease than I’ve ever been. I’m just so glad that I’ve finally found the home where I can live happily ever after.