Romo entered my life at the end of 2007. I was his foster mom and remember like yesterday the day I picked him up from the quarantine area. For those who don’t know Romo, he is one of the Animal Planet Beagles. HBHR was first featured in 2008 after saving several beagles from a cruelty/neglect situation. When I picked him up, he was a BEAT Down, Pitiful excuse for a dog.
He had never known a steady meal, a kind hand or a warm cozy bed. Romo lived with me as my foster and we went very slowly. He had to learn what LIFE was all about! He had never stepped foot inside and a steady meal and treats were all new to this little Beagle Boy. He was a very shy boy who would hide in a corner whenever guests came over. We made our appearance on Animal Planet with his Beagle Brothers and this was the only night he ever stayed away from me.
When my husband and I showed up to do the filming, Romo looked heartbroken that we had left him and I felt the same WAY! Mind you this was only 1 night 🙂 This was around October/November and my husband asked me what do you want for Christmas. My answer immediately was ROMO! I want to make it Official and Adopt my Sweet Little Tator Bug! The Rest is History. Romo lives with his doggie brothers and sisters and has his own Facebook page Romo Beagle Boy. Romo and I attend every rescue event we can and today he’s quite the little social butterfly. Look for Romo at the next HBHR Event!
Thank you Houston Beagle Rescue for Giving me a part of my heart I didn’t even know I was missing!
Brandy & Romo