We adopted Tripper in July 2008. Tripper now has an older brother Mac that was also a rescue beagle. Tripper and Mac are inseparable and have to be together playing non-stop; and when they are not playing in the house they have to be together in the kennel that they share during the day. They even have a whole toy box full of toys although Tripper doesn’t like the toys to be in the box and if you put them away; within minutes he will have every toy out of the box and on the floor. Tripper still has a lot of puppy in him so we are still working on what is right and what is wrong but he is learning quickly. Tripper is doing very well in his new home and he always surprises us with something he does, although it is wrong sometimes, but he keeps us laughing. We are very happy to have him with us and Mac is very happy as well.

Thank you HBHR.

Leslie & Katie Morris (and Mac)