Spay Neuter


Spaying and neutering is the key to solving many of your pet’s health and behavior problems. It is also one way to prevent pet overpopulation. More than 80,000 dogs and cats were killed last year in Houston and Harris County animal shelters, many simply because there were not enough homes.
Common misconceptions about spaying and neutering:

My pet will become fat and lazy.

FACT: Overweight pets are usually overfed and under-exercised.

My pet’s behavior will change

FACT: Your pet’s behavior will change for the better. male dogs and cats will be less likely to roam and fight with other animals. Territorial spraying/marking can be reduced and even eliminated in male cats/dogs by neutering them.

My pet is getting old and I want another just like him/her, therefore I want to breed him/her.

FACT: Every animal in a litter is unique. Unfortunately, there will never be another animal exactly like yours.

I want my child to see the miracle of birth.

FACT: Most animals give birth in the middle of the night in a place of their choosing. A love of life and living things should not be taught at the expense of innocent animals.

I can find homes for all the puppies and kittens and make some money too!

FACT: For every animal you place, another dies somewhere else unwanted and abandoned. The cost of raising a litter: stud fees, food, vaccinations and more will eat up any profits. Breeding animals is not in the best interest of the animal or your pocketbook.

My pet should not be spayed until after her first heat or litter.

FACT: Spaying your pt before her first heat eliminates the threat of uterine and ovarian cancer, and greatly reduces her chances of developing breast cancer.

Neutering my dog will make him less protective.

FACT: Neutering your dog will make him MORE protective of your family since he is less likely to roam and more likely to stay at home. Neutering also prevents testicular tumors, decreases the possibility of perianal tumors, hernias and may prevent prostate problems later in life.

The above text was copied from a flyer by the Houston SPCA.